Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bijoux Box Black Friday Grab Bag

This is my first experience with Bijoux Box. I'm actually not a subscriber yet, although I have been thinking of signing up for their monthly jewelry delivery. I really liked the statement necklaces I have seen featured in blogs and on Instagram. Before I commit to the subscription I wanted to check the quality of the pieces and Black Friday Grab Bag was the best way to do it. The Grab Bag was $25.00 and I got 5 randomly picked pieces.

This is what I got: 

I really like the purple stretch bracelet and the honeycomb earrings. The statement necklace is light, which is good because I was worried it would be too heavy judging by the look of it. I'm not sure if I can pull off the colors but I'll give it a try. I think it will have to wait until Spring/Summer. The chain pendant necklace will be nice to wear with sweaters and I think the black bracelet will look good with it too. I think this convinced me to try the Bijoux Box subscription. 

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